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Friday, October 16, 2009

Mythical Beasts And Creatures

In the myths, legends and folklore of old there are many strange creatures with unusual powers. None of them really existed, but in days gone by many people believed them to be real.



According to Greek legends, centaurs were a race of creatures who were half-man and half-horse. They lived on the plains of Thessaly in central Greece, and were well-known for their lawless and viotous temperament. However,there are many different beliefs of centaurs history and heritage. Others said that they are the offspring of Ixion, son of Ares, God of War. I suggest you read a story book entitled 'Percy Jackson and The Olympians'. This book is a story of heroes from the myth that will really catch your attention. Centaurs are also... more>>



In Greek mythology, the chimaera was a female fire-eating monster that was part lion, part goat and part serpent. A savage beasts, sprouting fire from it's mouth, it devastated the land until it was killed by the hero Bellerophon, who flew over it riding his winged horse, the Pegasus. It has always been described as a female and that maybe something that related to her name that in ancient Greek means "young she-goat". Despite this rather humble name, she was of divine origin. Her father was the giant Typhon and her mother the half-serpent Echidna. She was believed to have brothers Ceberus, Sphynx, Hydra and Orthrus. The dreaded Chimaera took up residence in.... more>>

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