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Friday, September 25, 2009

CatZ 4 FuNzz

Cats are one of the most acrobatic creatures on earth. Did u know that gymnastic is adopted from cats twisting their body this way and that? Humans adopt this as a new way of sport and nowadays Gymnastic has gain name in the Sports Tournament. Ever seen a cat do a twist? Or u simply juz take a look at this cute kitties!!!

Cats have been faithful human friends for years back to the Egyption when Pharaoh ruled Egypt. If you are a fan of History, then you'll find that since that time, cats have been the pets for most people, apart from dogs. Some people, they argue on which is first, cats or dogs. And that is the beginning of the film "Cats and Dogs". Actually...I think we agree that cats and dogs are great human friends. Here's some facts on cats.

  • Cats can't be used to guard house as they are small and not highly intelligent

  • Cats are cuddly and highly understanding and sensitive towards their masters

  • Cats can feel jealous especially towards someone that is too close to them

  • Cats are greatful towards unnatural human kindness such as feeding; that is, if it it a stray

  • Cats are patient and can be highly naughty so...Be Careful!
Some people thinks that cats don't have feelings. No, I say you're very wrong indeed. These people intend to hurts cats whenever they see one. Why don't we stand up for the cats? Are we fools not to have humanity anymore? We are humans guys, we can think, let us teach these animal hater a lesson. Sure, they have got a reason, but do we need to do cruelty to them animals? Cats are like us man! They need love, food, place to live and we are taking all of that from them! We teach them to eat human food when all they eat are fish and other things they hunt on their own! So we have to pay for our stupid acts.
Come on guys, it is not that bad...

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