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To share what interests me with people out there. Who knows right?

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Friday, September 25, 2009

WanNa KnOw Me?

Hello everyone! You can call me Dark and I simply love dragons and animals and myth and stuff like that. I am around 20 something and still studying. So I don't really have much time in accessing to this blogger unless I'm at home but that's not as easy coz I have to use my mum's laptop to access to this blog.

I like reading and swimming but I can't really go swimming coz I am a. . . . Well, it's rather sensitive to say that coz it is about religion. So it leads to this isn't it? I am rather bored and I am a Briged Siber in my school. Briged Siber is a group of students selected by the school's IT teacher to assist her and other teachers in using the IT or computer and also let the students to learn more. My IT teacher has recently told us about blogging. Actually, I know about blogging since a long time ago...hehehe. I juz feel like not getting involved really. (That's not really honest. I've tried blogging twice and didn't really know how to get on so I give up. hehehe...). So this is my third try. I hope this blog will continue to exist and not left behind like the other two. I gave up before, but now I wanna try again.

Other things about me? Well, I don't really fancy calculating. I hate maths and add maths! But I reallyyyy looovesss English. You see, I'm not an American, in fact, I'm a Malaysian. Who says Malaysian can't speak English well and follow the slang or the REAL English accent? Anyone says that? Here's a live proof that you are wrong! And then there's another person in my school. She's younger than me. And you know what? She's my rival. What differentiate us is that she speaks American accent while I speak British. How I can learn English? Hahaha...SECRET!!! Nah..I'll tell you later.

Other interest? Easy. Check my profile. I am wondering how to befriend zoologists and have a foreigner friend. I'm really interested in both. Anyway, if you wanna contact me, juz write to kei0969@gmail.com. I'm in hostel mostly and don't really have time to access the internet so forgive me if I don't answer you quickly enough. Last words, check it out and use it well. Daaa....

And here is a video song that touches my heart. Enjoy!

CatZ 4 FuNzz

Cats are one of the most acrobatic creatures on earth. Did u know that gymnastic is adopted from cats twisting their body this way and that? Humans adopt this as a new way of sport and nowadays Gymnastic has gain name in the Sports Tournament. Ever seen a cat do a twist? Or u simply juz take a look at this cute kitties!!!

Cats have been faithful human friends for years back to the Egyption when Pharaoh ruled Egypt. If you are a fan of History, then you'll find that since that time, cats have been the pets for most people, apart from dogs. Some people, they argue on which is first, cats or dogs. And that is the beginning of the film "Cats and Dogs". Actually...I think we agree that cats and dogs are great human friends. Here's some facts on cats.

  • Cats can't be used to guard house as they are small and not highly intelligent

  • Cats are cuddly and highly understanding and sensitive towards their masters

  • Cats can feel jealous especially towards someone that is too close to them

  • Cats are greatful towards unnatural human kindness such as feeding; that is, if it it a stray

  • Cats are patient and can be highly naughty so...Be Careful!
Some people thinks that cats don't have feelings. No, I say you're very wrong indeed. These people intend to hurts cats whenever they see one. Why don't we stand up for the cats? Are we fools not to have humanity anymore? We are humans guys, we can think, let us teach these animal hater a lesson. Sure, they have got a reason, but do we need to do cruelty to them animals? Cats are like us man! They need love, food, place to live and we are taking all of that from them! We teach them to eat human food when all they eat are fish and other things they hunt on their own! So we have to pay for our stupid acts.
Come on guys, it is not that bad...

Thursday, September 24, 2009

aReKenLiNe ChaTz

Some people REALLYYY loves chatting!
Don't you?
Here is a chatroom fit for any of you guys!